Thursday, March 27, 2014

Language Bin Pt. 2

Here we are creating those beautiful birds! Next round of bins...drawing and labeling people :)

After watching a video on Youtube (check out the "Extras" tab if you are curious) we used our preferred method for finding out how many syllables a word has. This particular station was sorting them into the proper column and, further down, the students sorted various pictures into hoops based on the number of syllables. This was definitely a fan favourite!

Identifying the number of syllables a word has has really supported the children in their writing. By just encouraging the students to identify the first syllable in a word and stretching it out (listening for sounds) and then going to the next syllable (and so on) has led to great success in getting their thinking down on paper.

And finally...Here we are so carefully listening for sounds, arranging the letters to spell our word and then transferring the word into writing.

Everybody loves using the large chart paper and it sure does encourage working together! At this station the children used books and sorted their reading into Letters/Words/Sentences. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

.:Please Take Note:.

Good News!!
We are happy to offer you the opportunity to order hot lunches for your child! We will now be participating in the Tuesday pizza hot lunches, organized by the Stonecrest ES School Council. Unfortunately, if you would like to take advantage of ordering for the month of April, the deadline to order is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25th. We sincerely apologize for the late notice, but if you miss the deadline, don't worry, you will still be able to order for the months of May and June. If you would like to order, simply visit the Stonecrest ES School Council website at
and click on 'Order Hot Lunch' on the left-hand side toolbar.
Because this is new to us, it might be easier to keep orders to pizza only at this time.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Language Bin Focus Pt. 1

We are currently working on a new round of language bins with a focus on independent writing and sight words, but thought you might like to know a little bit about the language bins we completed before March Break!

We have been talking a great deal about adding details to our drawings and spending time to complete work to the best of our ability. We changed up our Listening Center focus this round; typically the children indicated their favourite part of the story but we had to keep them on their toes and wanted them to think about who the main character was or (as some understand better) "The Super Star" of the story.

We also learned about following specific instructions to complete a picture of a bird. By carefully following the steps involved they ended up with a bird in any setting they created. Some birds were in the jungle, some were caring for their eggs, and some were on the hunt for food. The care and attention to detail is really coming along!

A second part to this post will be out shortly. Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


We are in the prep stages of changing our dramatic play again...this time to a grocery store! We are hoping that you might be able to save 3 or 4 of your recyclables and send them in to stock our shelves! Please send in clean containers, cereal boxes, pantry items for the next few days. Much appreciated!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're Growing!

We decided to send shoes home today for families to check out the wear and tear on them, as well as, the comfort of the fit. The tricky part here is to remember to send shoes back to us after the March Break!

We hope you have a wonderful holiday. It sure would be nice if the weather would start to feel and look more like Spring! We will see everyone back at school on March 17th rip-roarin' and ready for the homestretch of Senior Kindergarten! Have a good one!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Scholastic Book Order

Ooops...forgot to put a due date on this months Scholastic orders. Let's make it due for tomorrow and books will be here waiting upon our return from March Break. This month Scholastic is featuring Spring books (fiction and non-fiction), adorable Easter stories, an amazing set of First Encyclopedias from Usborne, and even a "how-to" draw sports cars book! Enjoy the browsing!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Woohoo....check out this sale!

Whoa....a gigantic sale is happening at Mabel's Labels! 40% off some of their amazing products....pass it on; and don't forget to type in Stonecrest as the school you support if you do wish to make a purchase! Hurry ends Tuesday! :)

      Click here

Saturday, March 1, 2014

We've Got The Moves Like...

There were many smiling faces during our time spent with Yves! The kids had a great time learning new dance moves, striking poses, playing various games, and enjoying the freedom to move however they felt like. 

Look for more fun photos under the tab "photo ops" located just above this entry. Enjoy!